ImageI’m still coughing out my lungs, but have recovered and am back to consuming delicious beer after about 5 days.

Now onto last night’s beer…OH MY GOD. That is all you need to know about this beer.

My brother and my future sister-in-law brought this bottle of deliciousness/angel tears all the way from Richmond, Virginia. And apparently, it was hard as hell to find even just hours after it was released.

The color of the beer is a very deep, dark amber with a small tan head. The aroma of the beer is much like a standard stout. However, you can smell a distinct sweetness of honey. I honestly do not smell much gingerbread. But then comes the taste. It is just purely decadent. It’s nice and smooth with a small amount of carbonation, and your palate is instantly hit with the tastes of delicious gingerbread and spices. I am in love with this beer. I paired it with a sugar shortbread cookie, and this brought out the spicy gingerbread flavors even more. If they’re not sold out and you live on the east cost, RUN and get yourself a bottle, or better yet, run down to the brewery!

ABV: 9%